Studying for exams as a high schooler can be one of the hardest things of your life. For example the stress of studying for all your exams, the concentration of trying to stay focus, that urge to want summer here already, all the last of the school try-outs. I have only five days of school left! And buckling down to studying for my first exam this Friday is the hardest for because it's my english class. It's not that I'm dreadful in english, it's that the teacher is tough. He teachers regular but grades and teaches as if it was an honor class. Which if he asks like it's an honor class then I would like the credit for an honor for it, right? I shouldn't complain because I have a "B" but I'm an "A" student, so I hate "B"'s. But studying in general is tedious and I would like it to be summer already practically. Also, with all the studying I had Band practices because I want to be in winter gaurd. Yes, not color gaurd, there IS a difference. At my school our color garud is basically the Band's pep-squad. Sorry but that's how it is at my school, [I mean the color gaurd shouldn't be pop, drop, and locking it] and my friends are all in color gaurd [Sorry]. Also, winter gaurd is more competion and competiveness. Which I like better then being the Band's pep-squad.
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